
Saturday Jul 27, 2013
Mindful Dating Advice and Live Music of Medicine Road
Saturday Jul 27, 2013
Saturday Jul 27, 2013
We talk to Yasmina Porter about Mindful Courtship on It's the Way of Love. Yasmina is a Mindfulness coach at Cabrillo College's ACE program (cabrillo.edu) and in her private practice. Find out ways of being mindful, find out about your personality type and learn to communicate mindfully. Finally, we explore the topic of mindful courtship. You can contact Yasmina at yasminaporter@gmail.com or (831)325-5304. We are delighted to hear music from Marya Stark's The Garden album. See http://www.maryastarkmusic.com/.
Finally, we listen to the live music of Medicine Road. Medicine Road is a Jimi Hendrix meets Jerry Garcia type band with all original music, excluding several choice golden oldies. Part folk, part psychedelic, part rock. They are a honest, hard-working, loving, long haired, psychedelic, hippy, rock band. See medicineroad.com.

Saturday Jul 20, 2013
Santa Cruz Natural History and Oatmeal Cookie Live!
Saturday Jul 20, 2013
Saturday Jul 20, 2013
We talk to folks at the Santa Cruz Museum of Natural History, Dr. Daniel Harder, executive director, and Daniel Howell, volunteer coordinator. We talk about Krystals Caves and Kilns, Flowers of the Sea, Storytime, Beautiful bats, Astronomy and Native Bird connections. See santacruzmuseum.org.

Saturday Jul 13, 2013
An Ecotopia with Dr. Paul Lee and Live Music of Scott Cooper
Saturday Jul 13, 2013
Saturday Jul 13, 2013
We talk to Dr. Paul Lee about his book There is a Garden in the Mind which is a memoir of Alan Chadwick and the Organic Movement in California. Paul Lee was educated at St. Olaf College, Luther Seminary, the Univ. of Minnesota, and Harvard, where he received a divinity degree and a PhD. He was the founding editor of the Psychedelic Review, founder of the UC Santa Cruz Student Garden Project, among many other projects. See ecotopia.org.
We feature musician Scott cooper. Multi-instrumentalist Scott Cooper is a veteran of the San Francisco Bay Area music scene. Though best known for fronting the popular Grateful Dead tribute the China Cats, Scott is well-known for having his hands in multiple projects simultaneously. He has been playing bass with Bay Area jam band the Gary Gates Band for nearly a decade and plays on Gary's heralded CD "San Gregorio General Store" produced by John Nowland (Neil Young, Jewel). Scott’s other current projects include bluegrass combo Wet & Reckless (aka the Intangibillies), performing solo gigs, fronting his own acoustic trio and a side project called the Secret Chimp with Jim Lewin (Great American Taxi). See http://www.volumemedia.com/ and http://scottcooperjams.bandcamp.com/.

Sunday Jul 07, 2013
Sunday Jul 07, 2013

Entry by donation: suggested donation (adult $20, student $10, children under 12 FREE) For more information — indiancanyon.kanyon@gmail.com or call — (831) 637-4238
Find out more at www.indiancanyonlife.org Finally, Ruth Copland sneaks in a preview interview with Deborah Allen, producer and screenplay writer of the film Jane.

Sunday Jun 30, 2013
Sean Van Sommeran on Sharks and Sky Safaris and Live Music by Stormy Strong
Sunday Jun 30, 2013
Sunday Jun 30, 2013
We talk to Sean Van Sommeran, Executive Director of Pelagic Shark Research Foundation, about the work he's been doing since 1990 to study and protect sharks of the open ocean. See pelagic.org. If you are visiting the Monterey Bay area you can attend participate in aerial research with Specialized Helicoptors and Sean!
We feature musician Stormy Strong playing live! See stormystrong.com. StormyStrong's music is a unique brand of alternative "saltwater rock." Listen and enjoy!

Friday Jun 28, 2013
Love Coaching with Yasmina Porter
Friday Jun 28, 2013
Friday Jun 28, 2013
We talk to Yasmina Porter about Mindful Courtship on It's the Way of Love. Yasmina is a Mindfulness coach at Cabrillo College and in her private practice. Find out ways of being mindful, find out about your personality type and learn to communicate mindfully. Finally, we explore the topic of mindful courtship. You can contact Yasmina at yasminaporter@gmail.com or (831)325-5304. We are delighted to hear music from Marya Stark's The Garden album. See http://www.maryastarkmusic.com/.

Saturday Jun 22, 2013
Saturday Jun 22, 2013
We talk to Brandon Southall and Ari Friedlaender of SEA, Inc.
SEA, Inc. is an international company that delivers science to support conservation management and environmentally-responsible business decisions. SEA, Inc. has extensive experience in science, research, engineering, conservation management, public education, and biological monitoring and mitigation of the adverse environmental impacts created by human industries. We are getting an update on their field research studying the effects of sound on marine life. The issue of how human sound affects marine life has been dominated by sonar systems and marine mammal strandings. However, we are increasingly realizing that other sounds, such as those associated with offshore energy development and chronic noise arising from other industrial activities such as commercial shipping are also key considerations. So too are we realizing that passive listening tools for detecting marine life are vital tools in monitoring for marine life around industrial operations to identify impacts and ensure sustainable development. See sea-inc.net, socal-brs.org, dosits.org and tested.com.
We feature the live music of Five Women, Five Life Stories with artists Jan Luby, Lady Michal Lauren, and Laura Devine Burnett. Jan Luby is known for her engaging, often riveting stage-presence as well as her voice full of passion, range and power. Rhode Island's Motif Magazine chose Jan as Female Vocalist of 2011. Lady Michal''s voice radiates like the glimmer of sunlight off the surface of a cool mountain lake on a warm summer's day. Her Musings and emotion come from the heart within the heart - the place where only the truest of singers and musicians can come from. Laura Devine~Burnett's heavenly vocals coupled with the ethereal sound of the mountain dulcimer, presents the listener with her originals, folk ballads, old timey and spirituals tunes. See www.JanLuby.com and and www.LadyMichal.com and www.dulcimergirlmusic.com.

Saturday Jun 15, 2013
Spreading World Peace through Reusable Grocery Bags and Rhan Wilson's Music
Saturday Jun 15, 2013
Saturday Jun 15, 2013
We talk to Tim Goncharoff, Santa Cruz County Resource Planner about his recent projects including: writing and enacting ordinances on plastic bags, polystyrene foam and e-waste, developing recommended policies on hydraulic fracturing, developing plans for restructuring recycling and solid waste operations, working on statewide carbon cap-and-trade program development, implementing retail take-back programs for products such as paint, batteries and fluorescent lights, and finally working with elected representatives to develop new legislation. See SantaCruzCountyRecycles.org and protectyourcentralcoast.org.
Next, Rhan Wilson and Rick Zeek bring their garden party to KSCO. Rhan is one of six Santa Cruz artists to receive the Gail Rich awards in 2012. Santa Cruz Sentinel write Wallace Baine writes this: Santa Cruz musician Rhan Wilson has talent, experience and creativity to spare. But what elevates him to the mantle of a special artist is a genuine artistic vision. That vision began more than a decade ago when Rhan conceived of "An Altared Christmas," in which he reworked well-known Christmas songs, playing them in a minor key. For more information go to rhanwilson.com.

Saturday Jun 08, 2013
Takin' it to the Trees!
Saturday Jun 08, 2013
Saturday Jun 08, 2013
We talk to Executive Director of Sempervirens Fund Reed Holderman. Reed joined Sempervirens fund in 2009 after spending 11 years as Senior Vice President and Regional Director of The Trust for Public Land’s 6-state Western Region. Reed was also the President of Coast Dairies. Sempervirens Fund is California’s oldest land trust and the only organization exclusively devoted to permanently protecting the coast redwood forests of the Santa Cruz Mountains. They were founded in 1900. See http://www.sempervirens.org.
Dayan Kai and Steve Uccello on bass start us off with tunes from Dayan's new cd Resonate. Dayan is a classically trained multi-instrumentalist, singer/songwriter, vocalist, and producer with a lifelong dedication to music. He's equally versed in jazz, world, Americana, and rock. See http://dayankai.com/.
We feature Melted State live! This band is made up of Noah on guitar and vocals, Esther on vocals, Bryan on guitar and Myles on bass. Melted State was officially formed in the Autumn of 2009. Composed of four lifelong friends who share an immense passion for playing music the band has become known for their uniquely electrifying live performances and an entertainment style that continues to ignite audiences. Check them out at http://meltedstate.com.

Saturday Jun 01, 2013
Beneath the Waves for World Oceans Day 2013
Saturday Jun 01, 2013
Saturday Jun 01, 2013
June 8 is World Oceans Day, and hundreds of aquariums, zoos, museums and conservation organizations, including the new Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary Exploration Center, are joining others around the world in fun, inspirational and educational events.
We talk to Ann Gibbs, Beneath the Waves Festival Director and geologist with the Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the US Geological Survey in Santa Cruz,
and Lisa Uttal, Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary Exploration Center Director. Austin Gallagher, producer "Coastguards" and one of the original founders of the Beneath the Waves Film Festival, calls in to discuss his inspiration. See http://montereybay.noaa.gov/welcome.html.
Laura Kasa Executive Director at Save our Shores talks about the Beachkeepers program which is starting on World Oceans Day (http://saveourshores.org).
Amanda West plays songs from her album "The Way to the Water." Amanda plays with an elegant union of inquisitive mind, open heart and old soul. West's all original songs explore topics from humanity's impact on the planet, to musings on women's role in society, intimate stories of love, and recipes for self empowerment and cultural evolution. You can see her live on Mon. June 10 at 7:30pm at Don Quixotes (http://www.donquixotesmusic.info/) in Felton, CA. See www.amandawestmusic.com.