
Saturday Sep 22, 2012
Summer of Love and Monterey Pop 45 Years Later
Saturday Sep 22, 2012
Saturday Sep 22, 2012
We talk to Andrew Hernandez, Director of the Monterey Summer of Love Festival 45 Years Later. The Monterey Pop Festival was a three-day concert event in 1967 that had 90,000 people at its peak performances. It launched rock legends like Hendrix, Janis Joplin, and The Who. 45 Years later you can get a be part of The Summer of Love experience on September 29th. You can see Big Brother and the Holding Company, It's a Beautiful Day, Barry McGuire, The Standells, The Hendrix Experience, among others ( http://www.summer67.com/).
We feature the music of a band from Santa Cruz, Sweet Jam, which is described as "Heart Rock "( http://www.sweetjamband.com/). Mark McFadden, lead guitarist and singer/songwriter, talks to us about his inspiration for writing lyrics "It's Our Choice." Sweet Jam will be on the NuVolution stage at the Monterey Fairgrounds.
Live on It's the Way of Love is Stormy Strong, another Santa Cruz musician who will be on the NuVolution stage in Monterey next weekend. He plays Jumpstart the Heart and Where is my Mind? Andrew Hernandez loves finding new talent as they are launching their rock careers!

Saturday Sep 15, 2012
It's Time for Mountain Men Music and the Harvest Festival
Saturday Sep 15, 2012
Saturday Sep 15, 2012
We talk to Hallie Greene, district manager for the Boulder Creek Recreation and Park District, about the second annual Santa Cruz Mountains Harvest Festival. The harvest festival brings together the community for lots of whole hearted healthy fun! A perfect way to live the dream locally! It is the perfect example of global thinking applied locally. The Santa Cruz Mountains Harvest Festival is in Boulder Creek, CA on September 29th. Come up to the redwood forest to take a hay ride, get your face painted, listen to live bands and sip local grown wines, and visit www.santacruzmountainsharvestfestival.com.
Next we talk to Steve Schnarr of The Santa Cruz Fruit Tree Project. Steve started this group in Santa Cruz, CA. This group organizes volunteers to go out and harvest surplus fruits off fruit trees and then turns them into delicious ciders and jams. They are want you to join them at local harvests and workshops and you can contact them at www.fruitcruz.org/.
We have Jamie and Kellen Coffis, of The Coffis Brothers playing live in the studio! They rock our apples off with some new pre-released material! Lucky listeners get a copy of their cd The Mountain Men. They even offer a free download if you go to www.coffisbrothers.com.

Saturday Sep 08, 2012
Good Things are Happening at TEDx Santa Cruz and Music from Bobby Carr
Saturday Sep 08, 2012
Saturday Sep 08, 2012
We talk to movers and shakers of TEDx Santa Cruz, which is a local, self-organized event that brings people together to share inspiring conversations on Ideas Worth Spreading. We talk about the upcoming TEDx Santa Cruz event on Sept. 15 . Sandy Skees, Public Relations for TEDx gives established businesses, early stage companies and organizations insight on the intersection of brand, communications and purpose. Sandy creates programs that provide organizations a way to focus, share, and motivate change in the world – change that values people, respects planetary resources and fosters prosperity. The goal is to tell strategic stories that create connections and inspire goodness in a sustainable world.
Irene Tsouprake, Co-Organizer, Speaker Selection, Emcee for TEDx Santa Cruz is also a Santa Cruz Change Agent, Writer, Heavily Invested Citizen, Caring Capitalist, Congress Briefer, Actress, SuperMom, MadlyInLoveWife, provider of extraordinary events, anywhere on the planet. We talk to Sandy and Irene about the speakers and their ideas, and a few have been past guests on It's the Way of Love: Terry Corwin of Land Trust of Santa Cruz County and Danny Keith of Grind Out Hunger. Be a part of inspiring conversations at http://www.tedxsantacruz.org.
Finally, musician Bobby Carr plays live for us and makes Rockelle cry with his version of Rainbow Connection. You can find Bobby with his blues harps and guitar on most mornings at the Rainbows End Cafe in Boulder Creek, CA. Bobby left behind the "Rat Race" of a 9-5 job and an hour long commute 30 years ago and now has music and nature feed his soul.

Saturday Sep 01, 2012
Saturday Sep 01, 2012
We catch Jeff Ousley, Guitar Tech for Nancy Wilson of Heart, on vacation at his very own Guitarden, or "guitar shaped garden!" Jeff talks to us about combining community, gardening and rock and roll. When a guy like Jeff spends 8 months out of the year on tour in the exciting world of Rock and Roll, he shares his ways of grounding and inspiring, and what makes for an extra special concert.
We talk to Mike Mease, Founder of Buffalo Field Campaign, who will be hitting the road in September for a road show to Oregon and California to share music, stories, video, and activism inspired by the Yellowstone bison. He'll be joined by musicians Goodshield and Phoenix for what promise to be a handful of very special events. For more information please visit http://www.buffalofieldcampaign.org/.

Saturday Aug 25, 2012
Whale Research Update with Dr. Southall and Dr. Friedlaender
Saturday Aug 25, 2012
Saturday Aug 25, 2012
We have Dr. Southall and Dr. Friedlaender
back from their SOCAL field research with SEA, Inc. “SOCAL‐BRS” (Behavioral Response Study) is a multi‐year effort (2010‐2015) to designed to better understand marine mammal behavior and reactions to sound. It is an interdisciplinary research collaboration, building on previous efforts in the Bahamas and Mediterranean Sea. The overall objective is to provide a better scientific basis for estimating risk and minimizing effects of active sonar for the U.S. Navy and regulatory agencies. SOCAL‐BRS is also part of a larger international collaboration to measure the impacts of noise marine mammals using opportunistic and experimental approaches. Please visit their website at http://sea-inc.net/socal-brs/. We talk about Dr. Southall's book Ocean Journeys: Beginnings http://www.amazon.com/Ocean-Journeys-Beginnings-Brandon-Southall/dp/1607467844.

Saturday Aug 18, 2012
Language of Compassion with Kelly Bryson
Saturday Aug 18, 2012
Saturday Aug 18, 2012
We talk We talk to Kelly Bryson MA, MFT. Author, Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist, Certified Nonviolent Communication Trainer, Life Coach, author of the best selling book, "Don't be Nice, Be Real -Balancing Passion for Self with Compassion for Others. He is the originator of the Trust Based Relationship(TBR) Modality, and Cofounder of Nonviolent Communication Santa Cruz, a successful nonprofit.
Kelly offers his wisdom and many years of experience to help individuals develop deep trust andconfidence in themselves, their partnerships and community.

Saturday Aug 11, 2012
The Great Buffalo Episode with Buffalo Field Campaign and Musician Steve Graves
Saturday Aug 11, 2012
Saturday Aug 11, 2012
We talk about the great buffalo of the Northern Plains with buffalo rights advocate Dan Brister, Executive Director of The Buffalo Field Campaign. BFC is the only group working in the field, everyday, to stop the slaughter and harassment of Yellowstone's wild buffalo. Volunteers from around the world defend buffalo on their traditional winter habitat and advocate for their protection. Our daily patrols stand with the buffalo on the ground they choose to be on, and document every move made against them. (http://buffalofieldcampaign.org/)
We listen to live music by Steven Graves. He features the new single release "Lightening Medicine Cloud" which was inspired and entitled from the true story and fate of a sacred white buffalo in Greenville, Texas. Known for his ability to fuse elements of rock, reggae, country, jazz and blues with his socially conscious lyrics, his style is influenced by such icons as Bob Dylan and Ben Harper (http://www.stevengravesmusic.com/).

Saturday Aug 04, 2012
Saturday Aug 04, 2012

Saturday Jul 28, 2012
Rise Up Ghana and the Music of Sweet HayaH
Saturday Jul 28, 2012
Saturday Jul 28, 2012
Jeremy Joe Kirschbaum and Daisy speak about fundraising for a medical clinic in Ghana ( http://www.riseupghana.org/). Rise Up Development Collective (RUDC) is a nonprofit organization focused on development in the Wli Todzi community, in the Volta Region in Ghana. We promote Wli Todzi as an eco-tourism destination and raise funds to sustainability construct, stock, and staff a much needed health clinic for the people of Wli Todzi. Next, we bring the band Sweet HayaH into KSCO and hear a live performance which is absolutely amazing! Sweet HayaH is composed of Nehal, Devin, Aaron, and Josh. Their music is a fusion of rock, soul, blues, and a touch of world (http://www.reverbnation.com/sweethayah).

Saturday Jul 21, 2012
Marine Mammals and Acoustics with Dr. Brandon Southall
Saturday Jul 21, 2012
Saturday Jul 21, 2012
Dr. Brandon Southall is President and Senior Scientist for Southall Environmental Associates, Inc. based in Santa Cruz, CA and a research associate with the University of California, Santa Cruz. He is currently involved in research projects to measure behavioral responses of marine mammals to various human sounds, primarily military sonar signals, and measurements of the effects of impulsive noise on hearing in seals and sea lions in laboratory settings. It's the Way of Love interviewed Dr. Southall and Dr. Jeremy Goldbogen and Caroline Casey, on Saturday, July 28th at KSCO radio station in Santa Cruz on their research on marine mammals and acoustics.