
Saturday Dec 08, 2012
Saturday Dec 08, 2012
Audrey Murr Copland, British Healer & Renowned International Healing Arts Tutor, speaks about healing our planet through love. On 12/12/2012 and every day we hope everybody can try to connect to this love. Audrey shares an important Breathing and Meditation Exercise for Personal and Universal Healing. Audrey has built up a dedicated following over 25 years in the spiritual field. She was fortunate to develop her skills alongside mentors such as Sir George Trevelyan, Frederic Lionel, Lilla Bek, Brugh Joy and Barbara Ann Brennan. She is widely travelled and has taught many hundreds of people how to heal and be healed in many different places including America, Canada, Newfoundland, Alaska, Germany, Israel, Spain and Portugal. Audrey has also helped set up Healing organisations in Europe and USA. Audrey is a natural sensitive who works intuitively with colour and energy yet she has always sought to grow and develop her skills through experience and deep study. For more information go to www.ucanhealit.com.
Three members of the Steven Graves band play songs from the newly released cd "Let it Ride." Let it Ride evokes images of early Neil Young with great harmony vocals, tasty guitar and mandolin riffs, and Steven’s emotional and passionate singing. See http://www.stevengravesmusic.com.
Finally, the most angelic music we've ever heard-- Marya Stark playing songs from her newly released "The Garden" album. From the sunny coast of Santa Cruz, California, singer-songwriter Marya Stark emerges from Gadgetbox Studios, where she and producer Andy Zenzack have been chiseling away for over a year to delicately craft a sonic masterpiece. Marya’s debut album “The Garden” is a collection of 13 songs ranging in influence from classical aria, pop music, and cinematic indie folk. Each song blossoms, carving its own unique aesthetic world. The record features lush string arrangements, pounding orchestral drum sections and Queen-styled vocal harmonies. At the center of it all is Marya’s refined, hypnotic and enchanting voice weaving intelligent, honest and lucid stories. Her hope-filled anthems, dynamic musicality and expansive emotional landscapes show the many facets of a passionate, awakening heart. See http://maryastark.bandcamp.com.

Saturday Dec 01, 2012
Saturday Dec 01, 2012
We are live at the the Santa Cruz Lighted Boat Parade with the KSCO radio broadcast sponsored by the famous Aldo's restaurant. Mauro Olivieri, son John along with general manager Alfredo Servin have taken over active family operation of Aldo’s Harbor Restaurant. We are at the Santa Cruz Yacht Harbor's annual Lighted Boat Parade.
We talk to Kyle Theirmann, 22 year old pro surfer, who has created some serious waves around the world. He is the creator and host of the hit youtube series, Surfing For Change. Combining surfing great waves with making a series of short films about current issues, Thiermann focuses on the power you have to create a better world through everyday decisions.His first youtube movie in the series, Claim Your Change, details how money kept in multinational banks is used to finance destructive projects all over the world. One such project, a proposed coal-fired powerplant in Constitucion, Chile, home of a world-class surf spot and fishing village, is the subject of the movie.This video inspired people to move hundreds of million of dollars out of centralized banks into local banks and credit unions, and reached people throughout North America, South America, Africa and much of Europe.Since then, he has made movies ranging from the importance of shopping locally, to following a plastic bag to Hawaii. See http://surfingforchange.com/ .
We enjoy the live music of Coyote Slim, an advocate of locally produced food and sustainable living. Coyote Slim plays the Farm Fresh Blues! A farmer-musician by inclination, Coyote Slim is also a writer, an arborist, and a steward of the land. You can contact him at www.coyoteslim.com.
Thank you Santa Cruz Yacht Club (http://www.scyc.org) and Aldo's Restaurant (www.aldos-cruz.com) for a really fun event!

Saturday Nov 24, 2012
The Occupy Love Film, an Altared Christmas, and Pipa Pinon with Dreambeach
Saturday Nov 24, 2012
Saturday Nov 24, 2012
We talk to Velcrow Ripper, Canadian Academy Award (Genie) winning filmmaker, writer, sound designer and public speaker. He creates powerful, cinematic documentaries that deal with the central issues of our times. Occupy Love is the culmination of his epic “Fierce Love Trilogy” which began with Scared Sacred, named one of Canada’s Top 10 movies of 2004, and winner of the 2005 Genie (Canadian Academy Award) for best feature documentary. It continued with 2008′s award winning Fierce Light: When Spirit Meets Action . Join acclaimed director Velcrow Ripper on a journey deep inside the global revolution of the heart that is erupting around the planet.
His next film Occupy Love is being released in the Spring of 2012. From the Arab Spring to the European Summer, from the Occupy Movement to the global climate justice movement, a profound shift is taking place: humanity is waking up to the fact that the dominant system of power is failing to provide us with health, happiness or meaning. The old paradigm that concentrates wealth, founded on the greed of the few, is collapsing. Endless growth on a finite planet cannot be sustained. The resulting crisis has become the catalyst for a profound transformation: millions of people are deciding that enough is enough – the time has come to create a new world, a world that works for all life. OCCUPY LOVE is a film that chronicles the heart of the revolution. See http://occupylove.org/
Next, Rhan Wilson shares songs from the 8th annual "An Altared Christmas" this December 8th, at the Rio Theatre in Santa Cruz, CA. Rhan Wilson presents an evening of classic holiday music presented entirely in minor keys featuring some of the best musicians in Santa Cruz and in the Bay Area and beyond. For more information go to www.altared.com and rhanwilson.com. Then Pipa Pinon, singer-songwriter, joins Rhan on a few altared tunes and delights our ears.
Pipa Pinon and Daniel Vee Lewis, bassist, together make DreamBeach. Pipa has written over 150 songs, and recorded several albums with several bands: Spiral, Triune, Saboo, Dreambeach, Pipa Piñon, Pipa & the Shapeshifters. Daniel also plays with the Joint Chiefs and The Al James Band. Bill Graham himself once said to Daniel, "I love your bass style. You've got that animal/juju thing going on." We agree! Their newest cd Blue Heart is featured. For more information see www.dreambeach.net.

Saturday Nov 17, 2012
Mindful Tea with Hidden Peak Tea House and Ho'omana live
Saturday Nov 17, 2012
Saturday Nov 17, 2012
We talk to David owner of The Hidden Peak Tea House about the reincarnation of tea. In our plugged in society we invite you to take time out to relax and enter another realm. See http://hiddenpeakteahouse.com/.
We invite Ho'omana to play live at the radio station. These musicians warm our hearts. They are a Hawaiian band like no other. The music is an ultimate form of worship. See http://www.hoomana.com/.

Saturday Nov 03, 2012
The Dickens Fair Prepares for a new Season and The Nora Cruz Sextet Plays Live
Saturday Nov 03, 2012
Saturday Nov 03, 2012
We talk to actress Sandra Cadell, featured in Pinnochio, performing at the Great Dickens Fair. 2012 marks the 200th Anniversary of the birth of Charles Dickens. The Great Dickens Christmas Fair 2011 garnered splendid reviews! New guests, as well as regular patrons, flocked to the Fair in record numbers. The spirit and good feeling in the streets of our Victorian London was inspiring! We look forward to an even more spectacular Fair this year. For more information see http://www.dickensfair.com.
Next we feature live music from the Nora Cruz Sextet. Nora and guitarist Rich Cowan play live off the new cd Six is Enough. Nora is a superb and electrifying vocalist. With a commanding stage presence and high-energy show, she's a favorite of Santa Cruz and the Bay Area. Whether soaring or sultry, Nora pours her heart into every song. She can rock the house, or touch your soul – all with a confident, elegant ease. See http://www.noracruz.com.

Saturday Oct 27, 2012
Sampson Wolfe on Leonard Peltier and Live Music of Melted State
Saturday Oct 27, 2012
Saturday Oct 27, 2012
We talk to Sampson Wolfe of the Muscogee nation working with The Leonard Peltier Defense Offense Committee. LPDOC is the hub of communication between Leonard Peltier and his program coordinators, the general public, government officials, political and tribal leaders, the media, and his supporters worldwide. See http://www.whoisleonardpeltier.info/. We
invite all to watch Incident at Oglala here http://www.whoisleonardpeltier.info/incident-at-oglala/?doing_wp_cron=1352755343.1644220352172851562500
Next we feature live music of Melted State. Visit their fan page at https://www.facebook.com/meltedstate. Melted State was officially formed in the Autumn of 2009. Composed of four lifelong friends who share an immense passion for playing music the band has become known for their uniquely electrifying live performances and an entertainment style that continues to ignite audiences. Their dynamic sound draws from many influences ranging from 'Jimi Hendrix' to 'Stevie Wonder', all the way to 'Tool.'

Saturday Oct 20, 2012
Jas of California K9 Solutions and Dr. Southall on Marine Acoustic Studies
Saturday Oct 20, 2012
Saturday Oct 20, 2012
We talk to Jas Leverette of California Canine Solutions (http://calik9.com). Jas has over 15 years of experience and has worked with hundreds of family, sport, show, service and law enforcement K9s. He can recognize drive, temperament and disposition in large, medium and small breeds and truly optimize a dog’s potential. He is currently teaching private and group classes in San Jose, Fremont, Oakland and San Francisco. He has a passion for his work and can temper even the most difficult dog. Jas is a certified schutzhund helper and owns a German Shepherd and a Belgian Malinois. Jas Leverette has worked with law enforcement canines for the Santa Cruz County Sheriff’s Department, Monterey Police Department, Marina Police Department, California Department of Corrections, Auburn (WA) Police Department and private security companies. We also talk to CaliK9 trainer Steve and Jas's canine Echo.
Next, we get a field update from Dr. Brandon Southall of SEA, Inc. on the Southern California Behavioral Response Study SOCAL BRS, http://sea-inc.net/socal-brs/. They recently got the only known recording of a Bairds’ Beaked Whale.

Saturday Oct 13, 2012
Summer of Love and Unity For Concerts
Saturday Oct 13, 2012
Saturday Oct 13, 2012
Guest host and singer/songwriter Ruth Copland visited Monterey Summer of Love Festival 45 years later and shares her interviews with us. It was a wonderful afternoon and evening of good vibrations and great music from the 60's. Ruth talks to Sam Andrews of Big Brother and the Holding Company, one of the headliners of the famous concert in 1967 and in 2012.
We talk to David Traub about UnityFor.Org. In his business life David has enjoyed 25+-years of experience as a venture catalyst; a business and economic development executive, investor and/or board member/advisor to over 35 startup, early stage and multi-national and government entities; an executive producer of multiple commercial digital media products and content for the major record labels; and as a philanthropist. He has initiated due diligence upon and co-raised and deployed more than $30 million for 20 ventures, with non-profit, education and sustainable-centric entities an increasingly large percentage of his current portfolio. In addition to Unityfor.org, David's other non-profit activities include an educational fellowship with the philanthropic venture entity www.fullcirclefund.org, and a production contribution to the Green Inaugural Ball, Washington DC, January 19th, Al Gore presiding.

Saturday Oct 06, 2012
Ocean Robbins and JP Novic on Healthy Humane Food
Saturday Oct 06, 2012
Saturday Oct 06, 2012
We talk to Ocean Robbins, cofounder and CEO of the 30,000 member Food Revolution Network, adjunct professor in Chapman University’s Peace Studies Department, and author of The Power of Partnership. He founded Youth for Environmental Sanity (YES!) at age 16, and directed the organization for 20 years. Ocean has spoken in person to more than 200,000 people and facilitated hundreds of gatherings for leaders from 65+ nations. He is a recipient of the Freedom's Flame Award and the national Jefferson Award for Outstanding Public Service.Ocean is the father special needs twins born in 2001. Learn more at oceanrobbins.com and http://foodrevolution.org.
The second hour we continue our talks on humane treatment of animals with JP Novic, director of CAPE, Center for Animal Protection and Education (http://www.capeanimals.org/). Ukulele musician Wendy Treat sings about her chickens and her love for them.

Saturday Sep 29, 2012
Nina Koocher and the Ukulele Club of Santa Cruz
Saturday Sep 29, 2012
Saturday Sep 29, 2012
We talk to Producer/Director Nina Koocher about her award winning film Under the Boardwalk: A Ukulele Love Story. This film features the world's largest group of ukulele players in the world, the Ukulele Club of Santa Cruz. We talk about life and love, and the great force behind the music. For more information visit www.ninakoocherfilms.com.
Next we are delighted by the live performance from ten members of the uke club. They talk about what inspires them in between their thrilling songs. (http://www.ukuleleclub.com/)